
To A. Latham Staples, the Baylor University graduate who is angry that his alma mater chose Kenneth Star as its new president ("Another step in the wrong direction," Dallas Voice, Feb. 19):


You attended Baylor, the largest Baptist institution of learning in the world, and you are shocked that said institution hires Ken Starr as university president.


Now you are going to switch your contributions to Texas Christian University? How long will it be before said university publicly aligns with conservative Christian views which do not suit you? Really. Then what? As a declared Methodist, SMU will be happy to take your check. Oh wait, in 2009 they voted down a GLBT seat on their student council.


You are seemingly dismayed by Texans’ "narrow-minded viewpoints," and yet you founded your civil rights organization in and live in the great state of California.


I am delighted that the appointment of Ken Starr as Baylor’s president embarrasses you. It should. But since you are a native North Texan, I just can’t possibly fathom your surprise or shock over Texas conservatism. Did this century-long philosophy never come up at Baylor while you were earning your political science degree?


In closing, let me say this: Living in Texas, voting in Texas and sending money to supportive organizations (educational or otherwise) is the way to affect change in Texas. As evidence I offer the Democratic sweep in Dallas County in 2006 and again in 2008.


Mr. Staples, I sincerely appreciate your advocacy against antipathy and the use of articulate print media instead of Twittering. My rant must sound very personal. But until today, I’ve never heard of you or your organization. And I just can’t stomach Texans’ apparent "surprise" at the way things are. Really.

Robert Fahr

Thanks from TCC
On behalf of the entire Turtle Creek Chorale family, I would like to thank every performer, sponsor, patron and donor who generously supported the Voices For Haiti concert on Feb. 19. More than 1,000 people attended the six-hour concert marathon held at Cathedral of Hope, and, by all accounts, it exceeded all expectations. When we set out to raise money and awareness for those suffering in Haiti, we didn’t have a dollar figure in mind. But together, we’ve raised $19,003!  And donations on behalf of the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund are still being accepted.  To contribute, please visit

Again, thank you to everyone who gave of themselves.

Jonathan Palant, artistic director
Turtle Creek Chorale

Stonewall condemns DART
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas has long been a supporter of the transgender community and condemns the actions taken by Dallas Area Rapid Transit in their employee’s gender marker change case ("DART accused on transphobia," Dallas Voice, Feb. 19).

This is an egregious abuse of power and interference into the personal matters of a longtime and dedicated employee and has no bearing on that employee’s ability to do her job. DART should reverse its decision immediately and allow the employee to change her gender marker to reflect who she is in reality.

DART needs to be made aware of the community’s concern and anger. We plan to actively lobby DART’s board of directors on this issue and participate in any community action against DART.

Judge Lynn Cherry says she cannot discuss the case. We are unsure of why she ruled the way she did because of her silence and will review the endorsement at the March meeting.

Stonewall helped elected a good slate of 2006 judges that were trained in January 2007 at a forum on gender marker changes provided by Lambda Legal that was sponsored by Stonewall Democrats and DGLA. National Stonewall Democrats and local Stonewall Democrats of Dallas opposed the ENDA effort back in 2008 that was not transgender-inclusive.

Stonewall has had transgender members on our boards and has transgender members in the organization and will continue to fight for the rights of our entire community. 

Erin Moore, president
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition February 26, 2010.
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