By Associated Press

Judge says Monsons couldn’t prove they were treated differently than unmarried hetero couples

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A lesbian couple trying to get a family membership at the Rochester Athletic Club has suffered another setback.

The Minneapolis Court of Appeals has upheld an Olmsted County judge’s ruling that the club did not discriminate against the women when it denied them a family membership.

Amy and Sarah Monson, a same-sex couple raising a daughter together, sued in 2007, claiming the club discriminated against them based on their sexual orientation, a violation of the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

The club says it simply was following its policy to provide family rates only to married couples.

In 2007, Judge Kevin Lund found that the Monsons couldn’t prove that heterosexual unmarried couples were treated any differently than same-sex unmarried couples.

Information from: Star Tribune, сайтпроверка работоспособности сайта