Roger Wedell

The Oak Lawn office building at 3626 N. Hall St. that houses Legal Hospice of Texas was closed Monday after a fire on the floor above the agency. Stonewall Behavioral Health, which specializes in counseling services for the LGBT community, is also housed in the building.

LHT Executive Director Roger Wedell said tenants were told they would be able to return Tuesday or today, but damage to the utility core was more extensive than originally thought.

The agency has relocated temporarily to the building next door at 3303 Lee Parkway #210, and Weddell said they would be able to receive clients next Monday. Anyone with an appointment for this week has already been rescheduled, Weddell said. He said clients with appointments should call to confirm before coming to the new office next week. The phones are being answered.

“There was no damage to our office,” Wedell said. “No injuries. It’s a cleaning issue.”

Candy Marcum of Stonewall Behavioral Health couldn’t immediately be reached.