Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, the legal organization that represented the plaintiffs in the lawsuit that forced Massachusetts to legally recognize gay marriage, today filed a lawsuit on behalf of several same-sex couples in Massachusetts challenging section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
DOMA is the law passed during the Clinton administration that allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages legalized in other states. Section 3 is that part of the law that says the federal government will not recognize gay marriages either, and will not give married same-sex couples the same federal rights and benefits that married opposite-sex couples get.
Go here to read the AP story on the lawsuit.
But some LGBT bloggers/activists in the “red” and “slightly blue” states are not happy about the lawsuit, saying that it will once again force them to have to focus their efforts on fighting off conservatives who will use it as an excuse to once again start pushing anti-gay-marriage initiatives there.
Go here to see what Bil Browning in Indiana has to say.vzlomat-pochtuоптимизация и продвижение веб сайта