Vandy Beth Glenn

Lambda Legal announced a victory this week in an employment discrimination case for Vandy Beth Glenn, an Atlanta transgender woman.
Glenn was fired from her job working as an editor and proofreader for the Georgia General Assembly when she told her supervisor that she was going to transition. The supervisor thought her transition would be inappropriate even though her health care provider had diagnosed her with Gender Identity Disorder.
The court relied on a ruling in a previous Lambda Legal case from Texas. In that decision, a court found in favor of a woman when a job offer was rescinded after the company learned she was transgender.
Although federal employment protections generally don’t include sexual orientation or gender identity, the court found in Glenn’s favor based on sex discrimination.
“The evidence was clear — Vandy Beth was fired because her boss didn’t like who she is, and that kind of treatment is unfair and illegal,” said Lambda Legal transgender rights attorney M. Dru Levasseur.