In April 2006, George Takei visited Dallas during an HRC tour. As a longtime terrestrial Stern fan, I wanted to ask Takei why Howard and Artie Lange always drop F bombs. While Stern’s listeners use every disparaging term in the minority handbook, Stern and Lange never utter the N word — out of respect for African-American co-host Robin Quivers.
When that interview ran, I got a truckload of “disappointing” e-mails from Dallas Morning News advertising editor Jon Garinn — because I didn’t approach the Takei interview in the same spoon-fed manner that every other gay cheerleading journalist took.
In December 2006, when I interviewed Jennifer Hudson, Garinn wrote Dallas Voice a letter — calling my professionalism into question because of Takei interview.
Well, yesterday, Lange finally self-destructed on-air and resigned. Lange had been arguing with his assistant, which nearly became physical. And Lange even said, “I hope he dies of AIDS.”
Since going to Sirius satellie, I haven’t had the pleasure of listening to Stern (whom I worship). And while researching yesterday’s Lange fiasco, I came across this article, which said:
[Lange] also maintains an unlikely but genuine friendship with openly gay actor and recurring Stern star George Takei. As his mentor, Takei even convinced Lange to do a public service announcement for gay-equality group the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), pledging $100 for each on-air use of the word “fag.”
The undeniably funny Lange is obviously working through more than just his internalized homophobia. And I hope Takei and the rest of Stern’s gay fans are in Lange’s corner before he turns into another John Belushi.заказать медицинский копирайтингконтекстная реклама в соц сетях