“It will buy a truckload of food.”

Roger Crowe, director of the AIDS Resource Center, about a $3,000 contribution made to the Food Pantry in the name of deceased bar owner Jerry Smith

“We welcome the opportunity to work with any organization that is dedicated to ending the military’s prohibition on gay service members.”

Steve Ralls, spokesman for the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, about Log Cabin
Republicans re-filing a lawsuit against the
military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy

“He was a valuable asset to the U.S. Armed Forces until a fellow servicemember learned about his sexual orientation”

Patrick Guerriero, president of Log Cabin Republicans, about a gay soldier who was discharged under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy

“It means they are taking Log Cabin seriously as someone they
can work with.”

Carla Halbrook, national board member of Log Cabin Republicans, about the presence of most GLBT groups’ leaders at the Log Cabin national convention

“I think it is important for LGBT Latinos to recognize and pay homage to Latino celebrities who promote diversity and acceptance through their work and their lives.”

Fernie Sanchez, president of Valiente, about two fundraisers planned to honor Spanish singer Rocio Durcal, who was known as Mexico’s Judy Garland

“Determining who is eligible for life in the church is not the vocation of the pastor. It is the Holy Spirit who makes us members of the church.”

Members of the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church who dissented from the majority opinion that ruled in favor of a pastor who refused to allow a gay man to join his congregation

“Huge portions of the Episcopal Church are theologically adrift. I’m not saying there isn’t religion, but it’s not the historic Christian faith.”

Canon Bill Atwood of an Episcopal aid network, The Ekklesia Society, based in Carrollton, who predicts that Episcopalians in California will elect an openly gay or lesbian person as bishop

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, May 5, 2006. изготовление рекламных конструкцийкраснодар рекламные щиты