"It is the role of Vermont’s policy-makers and elected officials to read and reflect on this report and in their best judgment determine what steps to take in their role as public servants of the people of Vermont."

A report issued this week on same-sex marriage
by the Vermont Commission on Family Recognition and Protection

"Negative people share as much of a responsibility to discuss that they are negative as a positive person does to say they are positive. They both have an obligation."

Fernie Sanchez, president of Valiente,
on what he learned at an Allgo conference about sexual liberation

"I don’t have children, so I choose to make his life good and spoil him. Sure, I’m probably extreme on some things."

Todd Randall, who bought a $12,000 diamond-studded collar for his dachsund, on why he pampers his pet

"I was very disappointed in Sen. Obama’s performance in Pennsylvania. If he can’t get those votes in the Democratic Primary, how’s he going to get those votes in the general election?"

Gay Democratic superdelegate David Hardt of Dallas,
on the results of Tuesday’s primary

"We hope that a lot of other Episcopalians will come and see that having an open mind isn’t a bad thing. It’s an important visit locally and globally, I think."

Kris Braddock, a straight member of St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church in Dallas,
on presiding bishop’s upcoming visit to predominantly LGBT congregation

"He enjoyed countless, relentless attacks on his ministry, and things went way beyond where they should have gone."

Scott Green, openly gay member of Broadway Baptist Church – Fort Worth,
on the Rev. Brett Younger’s decision to leave the congregation

"It is something he feels very strongly about as a parent and a mayor, that no kid — gay, straight, whatever — should ever be bullied."

Chris Heinbaugh, openly gay chief of staff for Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert,
on Leppert’s proclamation declaring Friday the Day of Silence in the city

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 25, 2008.

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