“We know the vows of abstinence break far more easily than latex condoms.”
Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders, who will speak in Dallas at a World AIDS Day event on Friday, Nov. 30, on the shortcomings of abstinence-only sex education

“I think the community has realized that nationwide Americans are not there yet when it comes to gay marriage and are willing to commit to a candidate who will evolve on this issue as the rest of America does.”
Jesse Garcia, president of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, on which presidential candidate to support

“We believe that staying at the table and negotiating in support of the best possible bill was better than simply walking away.”
HRC spokesman Brad Luna, in response to
criticism from transgender activist Donna Rose over HRC’s support for a non-transgender inclusive version of ENDA

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 30, 2007. klasnolomпоисковая оптимизация договор