“Politics at its best is a platform for raising awareness regarding important issues and when used as a vehicle for positive change.”

Roger Herrera, a gay Dallas lawyer, who said he wants to be known as the candidate who would be an “education mayor”

“The whole thing from beginning to end has been handled inappropriately and unfairly.”

Pamela Sund, president of Wichita Falls PFLAG, about a city high school banning an 18-year-old female from the basketball team because of her alleged intimacy with a 14-year-old

“I want this to be the easiest, least stressful time on the members
of the chorale.”

Peter Anderson, chair-elect of the Turtle Creek Chorale, about the expected confirmation of his election by the membership

“Because people aren’t seeing the daily deaths, they don’t understand the complexity and severity that the disease still presents.”

Dara Austin, executive director at the AIDS Outreach Center of Greater Tarrant County

“Most addicts struggle with a core of low self-esteem. Engaging in their addiction numbs this pain, but then ultimately adds to it.”

John Barry, a licensed sex offender treatment provider and professional counselor

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, December 1, 2006. siteкак работать в яндекс директ