“We’ve put a little spunk in it.”

Linda White, spokeswomann for Friends of Reverchon Park, about their fundraising efforts, which now includes a baseball game between police and fire rescue offficers

“It’s the longest running banquet in Log Cabin history.”

James Campbell, co-chair of the Dallas chapter’s Grand Ol’ Party

“He was all inclusive. He didn’t want anyone to be discriminated against.”

City Council member Pauline Medrano about her father, Francisco, in whose honor an East Dallas post office is being named

“Good intentions don’t count at the ballot box.”

Shannon Bailey, president of Texas Stonewall Democrats, on the importance of voting

“Gerry often said it was the fight for gay and lesbian equality that was the last great civil rights chapter in modern American history. He did not live to see the final sentences written, but all of us will be indebted to him for leading the way with compassion and wisdom.”

Dean Hara, husband of the late Gerry Studds, the first openly gay person elected to congress

“If two people want to go into a relationship where they can co-own a home or share medical records with one another, get to see each other in the hospital, those kinds of things, I think the law should protect those rights.”

Dustin McDaniel, Democratic candidate for attorney general in Arkansas

“We are beginning to turn the tide against the epidemic”

Dr. Mark Dybul on the progress in the battle against AIDS, as he was sworn in as the country’s new global AIDS coordinator

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, October 20, 2006. сайтонлайн определение позиции сайта