“We are cautiously optimistic that reason will win out in the battle for domestic partner benefits.”

Pete Webb, president of the Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance, about plans to continue pressing Dallas Area Rapid Transit to add domestic partner benefits to the employee benefit package

“I will regret it for the rest of my life. It could have beenhandled much differently.”

Mark Dacus talking about how he failed his son when he told him he didn’t want to hear about something horrible that had happened to him

“He became sick and twisted in love with me. I had an addiction, and he exploited it.”

Cody Troy Dacus talking about the seven-year relationship he had with a Mesquite man whose body parts were found strewn in Hill County

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, September 29, 2006. siteраскрутка сайта поисковых системах