“I need to take a break, get off the treadmill and be with my family.”

Dallas Mayor Laura Miller about her decision not to seek re-election

“People have a right to make their communities look the way they want.”

Sharon Boyd, community activist, about new development in Oak Lawn

“If there was an award given by the gay community for public service, she would be the one to get it.”

Council member Ed Oakley about Dallas Mayor Laura Miller

“We should have a really sparkling final night.”

Michael Doughman, executive director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, about the final competition for 2006 Voice of Pride

“Discriminatory politics never makes a lot of sense.”

Jay Brown, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, about a Texas congressman introducing and anti-gay-marriage amendment when a similar one is already scheduled for a House vote

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, July 14, 2006. vzlom-viberwot исследования