“There’s a better than 50-50 chance this man will be the governor of California for the next four years, and for the gay community to label somebody based on one veto is shortsighted.”
-Patrick Guerriero, president of Log Cabin Republicans, on plans for Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger to appear at a fundraising event for the gay Republican group

“Unless there is a clear perception on the part of our Anglican brothers
and sisters that they have been taken seriously in their concerns, it will
be impossible to have any genuine conversation.”
-Bishop Frank Griswold, outgoing presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, on the issue of the demonination ordaining gay bishops

“I will bend over backwards to build relationships with people who disagree with me.”
-Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori, newly-elected presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

“It’s perfectly conceivable we could win the right to marry in four more states.”
-Kate Kendall, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, speaking to the North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce on progress in the GLBT community

“A lot of preparation and discussion had gone on around it. I think when it came down to a vote, it was something everyone knew about and were pretty confident would pass.”
-Andy Smith, lay leader for Grace United Methodist Church, on the congregation’s vote to become affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network

“There’s been a long lag time between the readiness of the church to do so and actually doing it.”
-Rev. Chuck Cox, minister of Grace United Methodist Church, on ths congregation’s vote to become affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network

“I like to say, without history, how can we have a future?”
-Gay historian Phil Johnson on why the GLBT community should remember
its past

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 23, 2006. гугл вордстатраскрутить сайт продвижение сайта