“Some people have returned again to repeat, but we’re also seeing new
voices and new people. That’s exciting.”

Michael Doughman, executive director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, about the 2006 Voice of Pride competition that is underway

“When you are trained to be a warrior trained to defend and protect and serve and you can’t even stand up for yourself, it creates a feeling of helplessness. For a warrior, that’s the worst feeling you can have.”

Pepe Johnson, a former sergeant discharged from the Army for being gay, on the effect of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy

“Juneteenth is celebration of the idea that freedom will come. It may take struggles and heartache and pain, but as long as you continue to fight, it will come.”

Felicia Miller, one of the organizers of a GLBT family picnic on Sunday to celebrate Juneteenth

“There needs to be some recognition. I think it is important that we celebrate in some way.”

Erin Moore, president of the Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance, about the need for a big local celebration during the Gay Pride month of June

“This experience has been the worst thing that’s happened in my life.
I really got screwed over.”

Davian Brown, 21-year-old Canadian who believes she lost her church-funded scholarship to attend school in San Antonio because of her sexuality

“I think people are becoming more aware, again, of their risks, and I think part of that is generational. The kids who thought they were invincible five and 10 years ago now are realizing that they are, actually, “‘vincible.'”

Bret Camp, director of the Nelson-Tebedo Clinic, on what he believes is a renewed interest in being tested for HIV

“I had no second guessing with Jesse. He will do a good job.”

Dallas City Council member Pauline Medrano about the appointment of Jesse Garcia, spokesman for Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, to the Permit and License Appeal Board

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 16, 2006. заказать стью