“He’s been a fantastic executive
director and he’s done a lot of good things for the organization. He’s leaving us in a
really good spot.”

Carla Halbrook, a member of Log Cabin Republicans’ board of
directors, about Patrick Guerriero’s resignation as the group’s president

“It has been a humbling experience leading Log Cabin Republicans during the past four years.”

Patrick Guerriero, president of Log Cabin Republicans, about his plans to leave Log Cabin and assume leadership of the Gill Action Fund

“They have been in leadership roles, so the ride is in very capable hands.”

Michael Bailey, community relations manager for the Lone Star AIDS Ride, about the capability of the event’s volunteers

“I settled for the detached anonymity of bookstores and rest stops a compromise, but one that was wholly unfulfilling and morally unsatisfactory.”

James McGreevey, former governor of New Jersey, on being a politician and
living a closeted life

“All around they’ve done a pretty
good job over more than a
decade in business.”

Jeff Strater, a member of the Dallas Plan Commission, on why he supported a request by Dallas Eagle for a permit to relocate to a new building near its current site

“Gay and lesbian parents can now breathe a sigh of relief because their relationships with their children are no longer threatened by the state of Oklahoma.”

Ken Upton, senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal, about a ruling by a federal judge striking down Oklahoma’s anti-gay adoption law

“Typically, you get a year to plan. We’ve had about six months, so
we’ve really been scrambling. But we’ve done a good job.”

Efren Garcia, co-chair of the local planning
committee for the HIV Prevention Leadership Summit, on organizing the event on short notice

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, May 26, 2006. копирайтинг в интернете