“As long as I am in Dallas, I will forever be involved in the community.”
Kathy Jack on her plans to stay involved as a volunteer in the GLBT

“From a community volunteer perspective, she has always gone above and beyond. What she has brought to our community table time after time is simply quite invaluable.”
Dee Pennington, on the contributions Kathy Jack has made to the GLBT community

“I want the club to be in touch with what the members want and the community wants and to meet and exceed all the expectations that the neighborhood would have for this type of facility.”
Michael Liebermann, owner of the Turtle Creek Athletic Club, which just took over the old Centrum Sports Club space

“We need to ask forgiveness for the way we have approached the subject.”
The Rev. Tim Wilkins of Cross Ministry on how Baptists have ministered to GLBT people in the past

“I want them to know that we extend love and warmth and welcome just the way they are.”
Kathy Collier, co-president of the Dallas chapter of P-FLAG, at a protest at the First Baptist Church of Dallas during a workshop on homosexuality that the church sponsored

“First Baptist Dallas is a caring church in the heart of our city.”
Lori Swarner, public relations director for First Baptist Church of Dallas, about the church’s new open-door policy for people from all walks of life

“Unfortunately, we are having to deal with some broad generalizations and misconceptions about the bar.”
Ryan Bibb, a business consultant for Dallas Eagle, about neighbors’ opposition to the bar’s plans to relocate to a new building

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, May 12, 2006. warfacebestcheatsраскрутка сайта по россии