"It’s creating anti-Christian hostility. It’s creating hostility against traditional values. It’s preventing kids from getting accurate information that may help them and may keep them from entering homosexual lifestyles."

Linda Harvey, president of Mission:America,
on why she opposes the National Day of Silence

"The bottom line is that you can’t fire someone from a government job just because they’re gay. We moved past that a long time ago."

Ken Upton, senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal,
on a Collin County commissioner’s alleged proposal to fire Teen Court coordinator Justin Nichols because of his sexual orientation

"In the end there will be one candidate, and I think the other will be totally gracious and supportive and totally behind the candidate. We’re all going to be united."

Steve Atkinson, LGBT delegate to the Texas State Democratic Convention,
on the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 4, 2008

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