"I will do everything I possibly can to bring as many people as we can."

Transgender activist Kelli Busey,
on a protest of this year’s Black Tie Dinner planned as a result of the Human Rights Campaign’s support for a version of ENDA that does not include gender identity

"The good thing is that it has angered enough pro-equality people in Collin County. We’ve had more people volunteer. We’ve actually had more allies coming forward."

Dawnetta Miller, co-founder of the Collin County Gay and Lesbian Alliance,
on the impact of a county commissioner’s proposal to fire a gay employee

"I’m willing to love the church in spite of what it’s done to me, and I don’t think I can be part of the solution if I’m not engaged."

Former minister Mary Lowrance,
on her decision to rejoin the Methodist church, even after being forced to surrender her credentials because she is a lesbian

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 18, 2008.

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