"I think it will create a change that we will see very clearly four years from now. I’m taking a stand for the gay press. I want us to be treated fairly. That’s the whole point."

Mark Segal, publisher of The Philadelphia Gay News,
on his decision to publish a blank space next to an interview with Clinton after Obama failed to grant the paper an interview

"If someone goes to a Satanist church, obviously we’re going to challenge them on that. If someone goes to a church that teaches against what we believe the Scripture to share, we’re not going to accept it."

The Rev. Bob Sweeney, executive director of the Baptist-affiliated Dallas Life Foundation, a homeless shelter,
about Cathedral of Hope

"We believe that the practice of sodomy tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases."

The platform of the Texas Republican Party, from which Log Cabin Republicans tried unsuccessfully to remove anti-gay language this year

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 11, 2008.

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