“The most extreme right-wingers are actually very nice on an individual basis.”

Wayne Besen, gay activist and author, on a representative from Americans for Truth who attended a recent convention of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association in San Diego

“The donor needs to see an attorney, and the couple who wants to conceive needs to see an attorney. They need to spell out exactly what each party wants the rights of the other party to be.”

Dallas attorney Cynde Horne, on the need for assisted reproduction agreements

“I don’t blame those two young men totally for what happened. I blame society as a whole.”

Judy Shepard, mother of gay murder victim Matthew Shepard, on the need for federal hate-crimes legislation

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 7, 2007 копирайтинг стоимость украинаоптимизация сайта под гугл