“I wish I’d had something like that when I was that age.”

Fernie Sanchez, president of Valiente DFW, about a 7-week coming out workshop in Spanish that will be offered at Cathedral of Hope

“They don’t care if you’re gay, but if you show up with some little boy toy, that could be a problem. It’s unfair, but that’s the reality. The American people just aren’t all the way there yet.”

Darlene Ewing, Dallas County Democratic Party chair, on the need for gay political figures to exercise discretion.

“I told them that I wouldn’t quit, and that they would have to fire me because I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong.”

Terri Richeson, a male-to-female transgender woman who lost her job as a custodian at the First Baptist Church of Wichita Falls.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 14, 2007 реклама в социальных сетях стоимость