Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List chugs along to its fifth episode of the season, and in true devotion to “my gays,” Kathy spends an entire episode focused on a gay-rights issue. Last season, it was opposition to Prop 8; this time, it’s “Don’t ask don’t tell.”
Kathy literally marches on Washington, meeting with Dan Choi and Eric Alva, pioneers in opposing the discriminatory policy, as well as members of Congress, including Rep. Barney Frank.
Kathy always skates a narrow edge between smart and tacky all the way into disrespectful, and if she lands on the distaff side … well, as she might say, you can suck it. Still, DADT is an important topic for many gays, and she wouldn’t want to totally sell us out for a joke.
And she doesn’t. She has fun, she makes good points and has some one-liners. But she seems dedicated to the cause and moved by meetings with real closeted soldiers. It’s only when she calls the majority whip “a queen” that she gets in trouble. That’s kinda fun.
The episode airs tonight locally at 8 p.m. on Bravo, with rebroadcasts throughout the week.