Every comment that anyone adds here to any of the Instant Tea blog posts has to be approved by someone on the editorial staff before it is “published” (made visible to any non-staff reader). We try to be very careful about not approving posts that violate our terms of use, but we also try to be careful not to stifle the free exchange of ideas here on the blog, even when we don’t agree with some of the ideas being exchanged.
As senior editor, it is my job to read all the comments and if one has been approved that shouldn’t have been, then it is my job to delete it.
The reason I said all that is to make the point that I read most — if not all — the comments posted on Instant Tea. And in doing so, one thing that really stands out to me is the number of people who find their way to this blog and who complain because a post happens to identify someone as gay.
Here is a case in point, a comment posted to Rich Lopez’s blog about Judas Priest and gay frontman Rob Halford winning a Grammy: “Who is this fool that just had to add the comment about JPs frontman being gay? Report the fact the the band won the Grammy and keep your personal feelings aside fumbduck! Thanks Priest for all your hard work and your great influence to Heavy Metal music!”
Well, you fumbduck (and everybody else who posts this kind of comment on a GAY NEWS WEBSITE), here’s the deal: We are writing about LGBT news and entertainment stories for an LGBT audience. We write about these people — entertainers and politicians and whoever — because they have some connection to an LGBT issue, and we point out that they are LGBT because that is part of writing about LGBT issues for an LGBT audience.
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