Here’s just one of many reasons to hit the tip jar of Jesus’ General. He unearthed some precious gems uttered by LDS Apostle Boyd K. Packer.

Apparently, God went on a rant about homosexualism the last time they got together, because that was the subject of Elder Packer’s conference talk last weekend. You can watch or read it at Pam’s place, but essentially he said: homosexualism is a choice; it can be cured; and it’s a wickedness that shouldn’t be legal.

Inasmuch as the blogs are all abuzz with Elder Packer’s talk, I thought it might be interesting to go back and provide a few quotes of things he said in other talks. It’ll help you get a full measure of one of the Church’s most powerful Apostles–he’s next in line to become the Prophet if he outlives the current one.

You’ll have to surf over for the rest, but I had to share these apparent messages from God that Packer has emitted:

We’ve always counseled in the Church for our Mexican members to marry Mexicans, our Japanese members to marry Japanese, our Caucasians to marry Caucasians, our Polynesian members to marry Polynesians. The counsel has been wise.


I am for protecting the rights of a woman to be a woman, a feminine, female woman; a wife and a mother.

Thoughts on the ERA Amendment

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