The crisis in the housing and mortgage industry has had a huge impact on the world economy over the past 12 months. But Dallas seems to be weathering the storm much better than most places.
And gay Dallas Realtor Jeff Updike, of Re/Max Urban, was on NPR’s “Morning Edition” today, talking to Renee Montagne about how and why the Dallas market is doing so well compared to other cities where sales and prices are way way down, and foreclosures are way, way up. Here in Dallas, Updike said, the number of sales is down slightly, but the average price is up by about 2 percent over last year.
Go here to listen to the whole interview, which was the last in a series of discussions with Realtors across the country about the housing crisis.
Updike, by the way, specializes in residential real estate here in Dallas, as Montagne pointed out in the interview.продвижение сайтов в соц сетях