The gay pop Christian couple, now parents of twin boys, tour in support of the beauty of diverse families … including their own


MODERN FAMILY | The Christian musicians share their inclusive message at two North Texas churches: Grace Fellowship in Dallas Tuesday and Celebration on the Lake in Mabank Thursday.

RICH LOPEZ  | Contributing Writer

Probably few people would confuse deMarco DeCiccio — half of the gay Christian musical group known as Jason & deMarco — for Beyonce  … even though both are better known by one name than two. But actually, they have a lot in common: Both are parents in the public eye. Just deMarco and his blonder half, Jason Warner,  celebrating 10 years in the music business, the couple has become a foursome, with twin sons Mason and Noah joining the clan. But deMarco thinks the comparison ends there.

Screen shot 2013-02-28 at 10.47.19 AM“Well, we’re sort of far away from that kind of fame,” he laughs. “The great thing about where we are — that we’re not as well-known as she is —  is worrying about the kids. Of course, we’re careful, but also, the public eye is our life.”

That kind of life has taken them back on the road, only this time, it’s a family affair. With the aptly descriptive Celebrating Families of Diversity Tour, their itinerary is less about selling a new album (there isn’t one) and more about showing off their own family structure while meeting fans and diverse families on the road. Proving that the concept of family has grown into something all-inclusive, deMarco sees these dates as less a concert tour than an outreach mission.

“We wanted to do a tour that wasn’t just about coming to watch us, but to involve many more families,” he says. “That was our intention because we do feel it’s more of a community and there are different colors to that community. We have seen such diversity and how people have gone out to create their own families.”

As they bring their twins along, deMarco admits that they feel more real and authentic than ever. That feeling extends off-stage as much as on. Jason and deMarco bring pajama-clad Mason and Noah into their act, singing a lullaby before bed — albeit set to an electric guitar. For a moment, the audience feels like a part of their family unit. Later in the show, Jason’s mother joins them onstage for a duet to complete the Modern Family vibe.

“Jason’s mom is why he started singing and so his parents are touring with us,” deMarco says. “I think it’s very powerful to see three generations, as well as the support of our parents on this journey. This really is the family of our dreams while so many people say we’re not supposed to exist.”

On the flip side, there is the time on the tour bus when the entire family has to cohabitate. A nice idea, but like any relatives in cramped quarters, it can get difficult.

“Oh we’ve had our moments,” deMarco grins, as graciously as anyone can about his in-laws. “When you’re in those close quarters, some words get exchanged, but really, I think we’re doing great having twins so young in the mix, having your parents in a tour bus and then being in business with your life partner.”

The duo strives to travel less now that parenting has replaced brunching, but deMarco has a hint of pride that he can take his sons across the country.

“Every week is so different, but at 21 months old, they have seen both oceans, seen deserts, tried some really crazy foods and just seen this beautiful country,” he beams. “Getting the boys used to that at an early age is amazing.”

DeMarco is strangely unaffected by the fact that they haven’t released new music since 2008’s Safe. Five years later, he says they don’t feel any pressure to produce anything except happy children.

“I don’t think having a family did affect our writing and music, or at least not changed it very much,” he says. “What has changed are all the issues of equality that’s hitting us in a deeper place. And then [President Obama] endorses gay marriage — our marriage. That resonates so much.”

That isn’t to say they haven’t been creative in other ways: Jason has written a book, “and you could say that’s the next release of ours,” he reveals. “We’re thinking about songs for a new album, but I don’t think that’s going to be for a while. Really, we’re just finding time to come up for air.”

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 1, 2013.