Have you ever had one of those nights when, even though you were dog tired, you just couldn’t go to sleep? I did, just last night.
Usually when that happens, I just sprawl on the couch and watch TV. Only problem last night was that we moved into our new house last weekend, but the cable service won’t be turned on there until this weekend. That means my TV watching opportunities were severely limited.
I watched a couple of rerun episodes of the now-canceled sitcom “Still Standing” (not very good but hey, Jami Gertz is hot), then flipped past reruns of “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Two and a Half Men” (Ray Romano and Charlie Sheen aren’t nearly as hot at Jami Gertz). I saw the last minute or so of an “ER” rerun and a few seconds of a Bishop T.D. Jakes sermon, then got caught up for a couple of minutes by some religious program with a woman with fabulous nails exhorting a caller to “magnify the Lord” and thus solve all her problems.
And then I found it — television gold! Reruns of “The Carol Burnett Show”! Or so I thought.
It actually turned out to be an infomercial, with Carol Burnett, Tim Conway and Harvey Korman sitting in folding director’s chairs on an bare stage in an empty studio, talking about how much fun they had in 11 seasons on the show (obviously prerecorded since Harvey died not too long ago), interspersed with very brief clips of some of the show’s most memorable moments as an announcer urged everyone to call the number on the screen to order the first DVD in the completely digitally remastered Collector’s Edition set of episodes of the show hand-picked by Carol herself as her favorite.
I was so disappointed! I LOVED “The Carol Burnett Show.” It was pure genius. And I thought I was going to get to see it last night. But alas, no. It was just another crass promotion by someone playing on my fond memories of my youth to try and get my money. That always irritates me no end!
Oh well. I should be receiving the first DVD in the set in the mail in two to three weeks, and for the special introductory offer of only $9.95 (plus $3.95 S&H). What can I say — I was tired, and I am a sucker for fond memories.race game onlineстоимость раскрутки интернет магазина