I thought I hadn’t received my dose of the crazy yet this week, but look at what landed in the inbox. The endorsement of “Christian” womb controller advocate Randall Terry by bigot Rabbi Yehuda Levin puts it over the top:



WASHINGTON D.C. – Mr. Terry Vows to Run Pro-life Ad on Super Bowl 2012, to expose the genocide of unborn babies. Dateline: Washington D.C.

Press Conference: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 11:00 A.M.

Where: Holocaust Museum, Washington DC; in front of main entrance, near the corner of 14th and Independence.

Mr. Terry plans to run TV ads showing aborted babies during 2012 AFC and NFC Championships, during Super Bowl XLVI, and throughout the Democrat primary.

Prototypes of Ads can be seen at www.TerryForPresident.com.

Mr. Terry’s website also has specific messages to Catholics, Evangelicals, Hispanics, Independents, Pro-Lifers, and Tea Party Activists.

Mr. Terry States:

“My constituency is the millions of pro-life advocates who want to make child killing illegal from conception until birth. My base is those who know that we must show Americans the victims of abortion, in order to restore the full protection of law to unborn babies.

“America has never truly debated child killing, because America has never truly seen child killing. We will use FEC and FCC laws for federal candidates to bring America face to face with this massacre of the innocents.

“The goal of my campaign is: 1) To create a crisis of conscience for Americans regarding the slaughter of the unborn and thereby hasten the end of legalized child killing; 2) To pound on President Obama’s agenda starting with child killing, but also including our battle against socialism, our enslavement to debt, and more. Will I defeat Mr. Obama? I’m not delusional. But while I may not defeat him, I can expose the genocide Obama promotes in America and around the world.

“Our help is in the Name of the Lord.”

Rabbi Yehuda Levin of New York City States:

“I plan to support, promote and assist Randall in his run for the Presidency. We must, and we will wake up America, helping her to return to the Godly values, the civic standards, basic decency and normalcy that made America the object of God’s Grace.

“I have known Randall for nigh a quarter century. He is probably the most dynamic and innovative pro-life leader we have. I urge pro-lifers to join me in helping Randall in this campaign.”

For more information, visit https://www.terryforpresident.com/

You’ll recall that when Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider, was murdered, Terry said:

He was a mass-murder. He sowed death. And then he reaped death in a horrifying way.


“We must continue to call abortionists ‘murderers’ according to the teachings of the Church; we must continue to peacefully expose and protest them; and we must continue to show the bloody remains of children that died at the hands of Tiller and his kind.”

Pam’s House Blend – Front Page