I want to make it very clear that I do not know exactly what happened at Dallas Eagle last night or why it happened. I have not heard from anyone with TABC nor from any of the management at Dallas Eagle who could confirm or deny any rumors.
One thing that has been consistent throughout the day is that there was an issue with the Eagle’s liquor license resulting from the bar’s move to its new building across the parking lot. It also seems apparent that this was not the same sort of situation that occurred June 28 at the Rainbow Lounge in Fort Worth: There were few, if any, arrests (I have heard of only one possible arrest, although I don’t know how accurate that number is); officers did not arrive with a paddy wagon nor fistfulls of zip-tie handcuffs; and, most importantly, there were no injuries and no one had to be hospitalized.
There are some saying that the “raids”or “routine inspections” or whatever you choose to call them are proof of selective enforcement by the TABC: 3 LGBT bars in a month. I don’t know if that’s true. But I don’t know that it’s not true, anyway.
In any case, comments by those reading this blog make it very apparent that emotions are running quite high and that people’s opinions on what happened, as well as what they have heard or seen, are in some cases vastly different, And that means that some of the comments are going too far. Those that do go too far – and right now, that’s my call to make – will not be approved.
We are going to keep on trying to get as much verified, factual information as we can, and when we get the info, we will pass it along as quickly as possible.siteапдейт яндекса