We’ll have more on the big traffic enforcement sting that’s under way on Cedar Springs Road in Friday’s print edition of Dallas Voice. But for now, I give you this photo shot around lunchtime in the parking lot of the Bank of America. I had gone over there to get a photo to go with my story, and I’ll be damned if the first person I saw pulled over wasn’t DV sales rep Ramon Vega, who I’m sure was hard at work trying to keep our loyal customers satisfied. (And in his brand new Nissan Versa no less, which his friends refer to as a “Versatile”).
Now if Vega’s Sooners had beaten my Gators in the BCS Championship, which they didn’t, I may have been laughing at his misfortune, and I was too busy with my camera to give him the Gator Chomp. But when I found out he got a $150 ticket, I felt pretty bad, especially since he wasn’t even speeding. Vega said the cop pulled him over for not wearing his seatbelt, and sure enough, Texas is a primary enforcement state. After Vega went on his way, I witnessed this same cop make no less than three traffic stops in the next 15 minutes.
As News Editor David Kaminski at the Leesburg (Fla.) Daily Commercial once told me, you gotta watch your back!!!Strategy games riseadrenalinзначение сайта