We’ve reported extensively in recent months about Eddie Bonner, owner of the Maple Avenue gay bar Illusions, and his opposition to Dallas’ new smoking ordinance. Today Bonner gets some love from the mainstream press, as The Dallas Morning News follows up on our report from a week ago saying that Bonner plans legal action to prevent the ordinance from taking effect. Bonner’s beef is simple: The vast majority of his customers smoke, but Illusions has no patio, and there isn’t room to put one in. Therefore, he claims the ordinance puts him at a competitive disadvantage with other bars where people will be allowed to smoke on patios. Bonner has said that if the ban takes effect, it will put him out of business, and he acknowledges that his odds of winning in court are slim, but he isn’t going down without a fight.сайтctj jgnbvbpfwbz