Here’s an excerpt of White House adviser Valerie Jarrett’s remarks tonight at the HRC annual “No Excuses” dinner.

I cry bullshit. From Politico:

–From Jarrett’s prepared remarks: “Recently, we’ve all been shocked and heartbroken by the deaths of several young people who had been harassed and bullied for being openly gay – or because people thought they were gay. It’s a terrible tragedy. And it has turned a harsh spotlight onto an issue that often doesn’t get the public attention it deserves: the struggles of LGBT youth, the enormous pain that too many experience as a result of bullying, and the desperate, tragic decision by some young people who feel that their only recourse is to take their own lives. …

“No young person should have to endure a life of relentless taunts and harassment, just because they’re gay. On behalf of President Obama, I want to make clear that this administration is firmly committed to working with you and other advocates. For we all have to ensure that we are creating an environment in our schools, our communities, and our country, that is safe for every person, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

If you care so much about gay kids being bullied and committing suicide, then start being our fierce advocate. Stop defending DADT and DOMA in court. Stop the DADT discharges now. Start doing something, anything, on getting ENDA passed and DOMA repealed, like you promised. And, if the President isn’t too busy calling more female basketball stars, maybe he could be bothered to make even one phone call to even one Senator on DADT repeal.

Oh yeah, and the next time you claim to be shocked and saddened by all these gay kids killing themselves, ask yourself what message you’re sending when you tell those same kids that they don’t deserve to be married, they don’t deserve to love and be loved, because God wouldn’t like it. (Of course, Barack Obama was for marriage equality before he decided to be President, but then again, he was for a lot of things before he became President.)

Words, words, words, Valerie. We’ve heard it before. And we’re over it. Words mean nothing from this President. When you and your boss finally decide to actually support full equality, when you decide to actually become our fierce advocate on DADT, DOMA and ENDA, then get back to us.  Our kids are killing themselves.  And you’ve got more important things to worry about.  Come 2012, so will we.