Lane Lewis

Denis Dison at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund alerts us to this letter from a Houston minister attacking Lane Lewis, the openly gay former president of the Houston GLBT Political Caucus who’s running for Harris County Democratic Party chair. Lewis has been serving as interim party chair since December, and last we checked, Houston hadn’t fallen into the Gulf of Mexico. The author of the letter, the Rev. Willie J.Howard, said he’s organizing ministers in support of Keryl Douglas, who’s running against Lewis. Here’s an excerpt from Howard’s letter:

I am writing to you because Keryl is in a close race. Her opponent is openly Gay and has already told supporters behind closed doors that the Democratic Party will endorse a Gay Marriage agenda in November. Friends, this is not the direction we need to go as a community or Party. If the gays take over we are poised to lose everything we have worked for during President Obamas historic win. The Republicans will rally their troops behind a united front of making sure this push for same sex marriage is defeated.

Keryl’s opponent is being supported heavily by Annise Parker, another openly gay politician. If you haven’t seen what has happened at the City of Houston here are the facts:

• More Gays and Lesbians serve in leadership roles on boards and commissions.
• The City of Houston got rid of Blue Cross Blue Shield because CIGNA supports Same Sex benefits.
• The Mayor openly advocated the support of Gay marriage and even tried to embarrass President Barack Obama because he believes marriage is between one man and one woman.

Please share this with your friends and loved ones. This race is the most important down ballot race we will vote for. If we don’t Vote they will continue their take over and pretty soon, the party that we once knew will be a party of homosexuals. Our directives shouldn’t come from San Francisco, but from Harris County voters. How will Democrats look electing a man who sales perfume for a living and lays up with another man? Why are our so called community leaders (Rev. Lawson, Howard Jefferson etc.) supporting this agenda? Are they supportive of this lifestyle too??

View Howard’s full letter after the jump. To learn more about Lewis or to support his campaign, visit his website.