New York Governor David Paterson
New York Governor David Paterson

OK. I know he’s not popular in New York. I know he has a snowball’s chance in hell to be reelected. New York just isn’t liberal like Houston.
But I love Gov. David Paterson.
When he first came into office, Gov. Paterson issued an executive order recognizing all marriages performed elsewhere. New York law already did that (as does Texas law), but he made it clear that meant ALL marriages.
Then he defended that executive order in court. And won. And won again. And won again.
Then he submitted same-sex marriage legislation to the New York State legislature. And he plans to resubmit it.
Now he’s issued another executive order extending non-discrimination policies to the the state’s transgender employees.
According to Human Rights Campaign, eight other states protect their employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity: Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.сайтузнать индексацию сайта