This afternoon, Sultan Shakir, Sharon Groves and I met with the Equality Maryland “Pride in Faith Coalition”, a group of religious leaders and lay leaders from across the state of Maryland who are taking a stand for equality. The leaders met to discuss the two bills making their way through the Maryland legislature, the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Act and the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act. More importantly, they discussed how they could play a role in making sure the two bills become law.

It was great to hear from these religious voices, from Catholics to Baptist to Universalist Unitarians and many others. Hearing these voices united in the fight for equality was amazing.

After the meeting, the clergy leaders are heading over to the State Capitol to join hundreds of other Marylanders at Equality Maryland’s Annual Lobby Day. We’ll be meeting face to face with our legislators to make our voices heard.

To get involved with Pride in Faith, email

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