I’m assuming I was not alone in receiving the below e-mail this morning from Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese saying that Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas, voted against repealing “Don’t ask don’t tell” last month on the House floor. I’m guessing that the message went out to everyone on HRC’s e-mail list who lives in Johnson’s district. But HRC’s e-mail is wrong! Johnson didn’t vote against DADT repeal; she voted for it. You can see records of her vote by going here or here. Johnson is a longtime, staunch LGBT ally who scores a 100 on HRC’s Congressional Scorecard for her support of LGBT equality. In short, there’s no way she would vote against DADT repeal. So why would HRC send out this message? I’m still trying to find out, but right now I’m guessing that it’s a computer error. There are four members of Congress with the surname Johnson, two of whom voted against DADT repeal, including Republican Sam Johnson of Texas. I’ve left messages with HRC spokesman Michael Cole, but I haven’t heard back. I’ve also called Eddie Bernice Johnson’s communications director, but was told to call back a little later as everyone was in a staff meeting. I’ll keep you posted.
UPDATE: I just received a message from HRC spokesman Fred Sainz apologizing for the error. Here’s what he said:

“Representative Johnson did in fact vote to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. The email that was sent out this morning incorrectly stated her vote and was a technological glitch for which we have apologized. Our president, Joe Solmonese, has placed a call to the Congresswoman to apologize and we have been in touch with both her congressional and district office staffs to let them know that a corrected email will be going out shortly.
“Representative Johnson has consistently scored 100% on the HRC Congressional Scorecard. She has been a consistent supporter of issues important to the LGBT community and we applaud her for her vote to allow gay and lesbian servicemembers to serve openly and honorably in the United States military.”

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