How to do what’s wrong right

HOWARD LEWIS RUSSELL  | Special Contributor
Dear Howard,
My partner lost his job a few years back; once his unemployment benefits petered out, he “jokingly” suggested we try performing online as an S&M master/slave team for private subscription viewers — only once a week, he said, to keep our mortgage above water and food on the table.  Wanna guess who got assigned the role of “slave” in these home-porn performances? Worse, the money turned out to be beyond our wildest expectations; so good, in fact, that once a week morphed into five shows a week, with a no-holds-barred extra set one night a week for our “whales.”
Whatever twisted freak-fest the highest bidder requests, that’s what he gets. But putting aside my constantly having to endure anything-and-everything by being the “slave,” I’m also obligated to keep 15 lbs. underweight … to better stay in “boyishly hollow” character. The more emaciated I maintain myself, though, the more gobs of money we earn.
But, hell, what gives with this crazy shit? — Damien
Dear Damien,
As your online performance-art partner in perversion would surely bark, “Bitch, shut your whining, skinny-ass glory hole up!”
The catch-22, Damien, of working in this white-hot, newly exploding, live-torture-porn-slave-for-pay industry is, ironically, the unfortunate cost of suddenly earning buttloads of disposable income is one can’t afford any longer to eat.
Dear Howard, Would you consider maybe answering a delicate question for me in private, without printing it in the paper, regarding child pornography? — Bob
Dear Bob,
Not in a billion years.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 2, 2015.