
Bob McNair

Bob McNair, owner of the Houston Texans, said he withdrew his $10,000 donation to the group fighting to defeat the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.
In his letter, he said he personally never discriminates and simply hoped a better worded ordinance would be passed. Here’s the full text of his letter:

I recently made a personal contribution to Campaign for Houston because my thorough review of the HERO ordinance led me to believe that a thoughtful rewrite would provide a better ordinance that would provide strong non-discrimination protections for all Houstonians, which I would support, and would be less divisive of our city.

It was on these principles that I made my personal contribution to Campaign for Houston. To my great dismay, Campaign for Houston made numerous unauthorized statements about my opposition to HERO in print, broadcast and social media – including attributing certain statements of belief to me. Their actions and statements were never discussed with nor approved by me. Therefore I instructed the Campaign to return my contribution.

I do not believe in or tolerate personal or professional discrimination of any kind. I also believe that we Houstonians should have an ordinance that unites our community and provides a bold statement of non-discrimination. I encourage all Houstonians to vote on November 3.

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work together to change a small portion of events, and in the total of those acts will be written the history of our generation.”

That’s nice, Bob, but damage done, and we doubt the other side is returning your check. And to the LGBT youth of Houston who can no longer support your city’s football team — we don’t blame you and we have a very nice team up here in Dallas that welcomes your support.