Jay Bean, left, and SuZanne Kimbrell performing at the now closed Lakewood Bar & Grill. (Photo via Facebook)

Perhaps this is why local musician SuZanne Kimbrell, pictured, was looking for a new spot for Twist. She had mentioned that she wanted to move the bi-monthly queer music event to another venue, but was this the reason? Pegasus News reports today that LBG “closed abruptly on Wednesday, with the news delivered via a lock-out and ‘non-payment of rent’ sign taped to the front door.” According to the post, Emmeline was among those booked for the remainder of the week. She had performed at one of the Twist events before.

With the Balcony Club’s troubles and the Lakewood Tavern set to close in October, Lakewood is drying up fast with venues and bars. What does that mean for the gays? Maybe not much, but the area is quite gay-friendly as have those venues been. They don’t walk the line of gay/straight like The Grapevine or Barbara’s Pavilion, but Lakewood as a nightlife destination, even for LGBTs, would be sorely missed.