Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn Richardson

Daren Merchant and Rick O’Connor were planning to hold their wedding for Jan. 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Richardson.
Planning stopped, however, after the chef at the hotel allegedly compared them to Caitlin Jenner (not sure why that’s an insult, but it was meant that way) and said that he wouldn’t cook for a gay couple. The story was reported on Fox 4.
Shortly after the incident, Merchant received a damage control letter from Hilton’s regional corporate office, but he said he’s received nothing from the hotel since.
“As of now the plans are on hold,” Merchant said. “This took the wind out of our sails, especially after more than two decades of wanting this so badly and never thinking it would happen in our lifetime.”
Dallas Voice has been trying to get through to Merchant and O’Connor’s contact at the hotel.
“I do really think that they were hoping this would just fade away,” Merchant said. “All I wanted was an answer but never got it. Believe me, it’s mind blowing how much outpouring of supports we have gotten.”
Since that conversation, Merchant has received a call from the president of Texas Hotel And Lodging Association on behalf of the hotel to work out a resolution. Merchant said the proposed resolution sounds reasonable and the couple will discuss it over the weekend.
More on the story next week, hopefully with a happy ending.