DVtv in Spayse (LIve) episode one: Brad Pritchett, Brandi Amara Skyy, Israel Luna and Tammye Nash

Today (Friday, March 24), we aired the very first episode of DVtv in Spayse! (Live), streaming it live from the Spayse Station, the internet TV studio at Israel Luna’s Spayse Studios.
I was thrilled to have Israel himself, DVtv video host Brad Pritchett and new Dallas Voice contributor Brandi Amara Skyy there to carry the show. They are OUTstanding!
Watch our first episode below. And click here to watch our show and others on the Spayse Station YouTube channel.
AND put it on your calendar to tune in next Friday at 4 p.m. to see DVtv in Spayse! (Live).