By STEVEN LINDSEY | Contributing Writer

Closeted puppet Rod talks about life on ‘Avenue Q’ — and his hope that everything really is bigger in Texas

SLEIGHT OF HAND | Rod, center right, still deals with messy roommate Ern … er, Nicky, center left, as ‘Avenue Q’ settles in at the Winspear this week.

Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St. May 25–June 6. $25–$120. 214-880-0202.

Many interviews with flesh-and-bone celebrities are about getting to the meat of what drives them. With closeted gay puppet Rod — one of the stars of the very gay, Tony Award-winning musical Avenue Q — it’s about getting to the stuffing. Rod took time out to answer a few questions about his personal life … even though he clearly won’t be coming out until sometime around intermission almost every day (sometimes twice!) during the show’s run at the Winspear Opera House. And one thing’s for sure: He’s no dummy.

Dallas Voice: First off, we have to agree with you: Despite what your roommate Nicky thinks, there’s nothing wrong with ironing your underwear, as long as it’s the good stuff. Are you a tighty-whities kind of guy, or more bikini-leaning? Rod: I adore my vintage Charles in Charge boxer briefs.

What’s life like now that you’re finally out? Out of what?

Oh, never mind. That was clearly a question for someone else. So, it’s no secret that the Internet is for porn. X-rated, G-rated or anything in between, what are your current favorite sites? Investment Spanking. It’s where I met my hot, sexy girlfriend, Alberta.

Does it still suck to be you or have you gotten past that? Yes it is! It’s hard living with Nicky, but we are like Laverne and Shirley: We get into our little tiffs, but it’s clear we love each other … platonically.

How do you feel about the new guy on Avenue Q, Princeton? He seems nice enough. I think he has an eye on Kate Monster. I’m jealous of his extensive sweater collection.

Since the show opened, you’ve become one of New York’s most famous Republicans. Are you still a proud member of the GOP? Indeed! I wouldn’t have it any other way. The main reason I became a Republican was the power suits — no one sports a power suit like Republican.

Have you met any celebrities on Avenue Q (besides Gary Coleman)? No, but I keep stalking Lady Gaga’s stage door in hopes that I can catch a glimpse of her!

What’s your favorite thing about summer in New York? Drinking a cosmo at an outdoor piano bar in Chelsea.

This interview is for the largest gay and lesbian publication in Texas. What’s do you think of the homosexuals? I think that if you love someone, and someone loves you back, people should mind their own business. Including the Mrs. Butterworth Republicans … or whatever their name is.

Have you been to Texas? Have any favorite bars on the strip you like to frequent? (Or in New York.) No, although I am excited to see if everything really is bigger in Texas.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 21,как проверить позиции сайта в гугле