kim-davis-barsU.S. District Judge David Bunning gave six deputy Rowan County Clerks an hour to meet with public defenders. Apparently, Liberty Counsel isn’t interested in defending the clerks who were simply obeying County Clerk Kim Davis’ orders.
CBS affiliate WKYT reports that in her 20 minutes of testimony, Davis was emotional as she talked about becoming a Christian. Apparently, her four marriage and out-of-wedlock children happened before that. However, her swearing on a Bible that she would uphold the U.S. Constitution took place afterwards, and going against her sworn oath doesn’t offend her version of God as much as gays and lesbians do.
Davis will return to the courtroom at 2:30 Central Time to tell the court if she’s willing to allow her deputies to obey the law over her objections. If not, she’ll return to jail, according to Bluegrass Politics.