By Tammye Nash Senior Editor

Fort Worth Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead told City Council members on Tuesday, Aug. 18, that "flawed policies" for dealing with bar inspections were to blame for problems resulting from the June 28 arrests at the Rainbow Lounge.

Halstead told the council that a new, three-step policy has been written and will go into effect on Sept. 1. He also said that his department’s policies — both old and new — are "inconsistent" with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s polices, and that he has suspended joint actions with TABC until policies for both agencies are consistent.

The first step under the new policy will be a "bar check," which Halstead described as a "low-key, good service" visit by officers to make sure that a bar is in compliance with the city’s requirements.

If any problems are noted during the bar check, officers will return later for a "bar inspection," with such inspections happening under two levels of supervision.

If the bar has not come into compliance at that time, then officers will conduct a "bar investigation

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 21, 2009.поддержка сайта это