
Ashley Cecilia Castaneda

During a routine traffic stop, Waco police found methamphetamine hidden under the seat of the car. Gabriel Garcia, the driver, and Ashley Cecilia Castaneda, his passenger, were arrested for possession of meth in a drug-free zone, since they were within 1,000 feet of a school when they were pulled over.
This could have been a routine drug bust, but on their way to McLennan County Jail, Castaneda told police she had a loaded .22-calibre weapon in her vagina.
Police pulled over and called for backup — because apparently Waco police have officers with more experience pulling loaded semi-automatic weapons out of vaginas than the arresting officers. Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton called it an extremely dangerous situation, especially if Castenada hadn’t engaged the safety.
“Depending on a number of factors, that gun could have gone off by body movements or compression of the trigger,” Swanton told the Waco Tribune.
In addition to the drug charges, Castenada was charged with illegally carrying a weapon. Everyone knows you need a concealed handgun license to walk around with a loaded semi-automatic weapon in your vagina in Texas. We’re very careful about those sort of things.