Michael Robinson, founder of United Community Against Gay Hate, reports that about 20 people — including representatives from numerous other local LGBT organizations — attended a meeting over the weekend to plan for “Remembering Stonewall,” a gay-rights march that’s slated for June 28 in Dallas.
“People left there feeling like this is going to be something that’s going to be really, really good for the city,” Robinson said earlier today.
Robinson said the next planning meeting for the march will be in early April, although the date has yet to be determined. Among other things, organizers still need to raise several thousand dollars, identify an exact route and obtain permits for the march. Robinson said the march will travel through Oak Lawn and likely will end at Lee Park.
The event is designed to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots and is part of a nationwide effort launched through the Web site www.milliongaymarch.com. Robinson said some cities will be holding their marches in conjunction with gay Pride. However, unlike most cities, Dallas celebrates gay Pride in the fall, not in June, creating an opportunity for a separate event.
“It’s not going to be like a gay Pride,” Robinson said. “It’s going to be more of an educational march, getting people fired up and getting them active at a level we really haven’t seen before.”
For more information, contact Robinson at ucaghc@yahoo.com.
UPDATE: The committee that’s planning the march is now scheduled to meet from 1 to 3 p.m. this Saturday, March 28, in the Blue and Yellow Room at the Resource Center of Dallas. vzlomat-pochtu.comв интернете заказать реклама