
Sheriff Lupe Valdez

Gov. Greg Abbott has called on Sheriff Lupe Valdez “to reverse her unilaterally enacted policy of refusing to automatically detain all criminal immigrants pursuant to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) federal detainer program,” according to a press release sent from the governor’s office.
To “combat policies like those promoted by Sheriff Valdez,” Abbott said he would enact laws that make it illegal for a sheriff’s department to not honor a federal immigration detainer request.
Valdez’s office, however, said they have honored all requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Abbott also said he wants to prohibit anything that promotes sanctuary to people in the U.S. illegally and penalize counties financially for the extra burden on healthcare and education.
Valdez said the extra cost is detaining people for minor offenses, like traffic violations, longer than Homeland Security requests.
State Rep. Rafael Anchia said Gov. Greg Abbott would become known as the Donald Trump of Texas “if he continues his ill-advised pursuit of anti-Hispanic policies.”
The office of Rep. Roberto R. Alonzo sent a press release that he “firmly stands with Sheriff Lupe Valdez in support of her policy of refusing to automatically detain undocumented individuals charged with minor offenses. Families should not be divided due to minor offenses.”