
David Watts, GOP candidate for Texas House.

A Republican running for an open state House seat accused his primary opponent of supporting the “radical LGBT agenda” in an e-mail this morning (Tuesday, Jan. 26).
David Watts, who ran unsuccessfully for Texas land commissioner in 2014, blasted his opponent, Longview Mayor Jay Dean, for penning a welcome letter to attendees of a local Pride event. The e-mail, seen in full below, also features a photo of our DFW Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. (I’ve reached out to them for comment.)
Watts’ e-mail is crazy. And here it is in full:

As State Representative, I’ll fight relentlessly for Less Government, More Liberty.
Part of that battle is understanding the very real threats to our liberty.
One grave threat to our liberty is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender) agenda. First, the LGBT community seeks acceptance. Then, they seek domination.
We’ve seen that attempt to dominate in Houston, where the LGBT community rallied around efforts to allow men, who claim to feel like a woman, use the same restrooms that your wife, daughter, and grandaughter use. We’ve seen the attempts to dominate in other ways around the country where LGBT advocates attempt to use the power of the government to force small business owners to violate their religious convictions and participate in same sex marriages.
This dangerous threat to liberty starts with acceptance.
In the summer of 2014, my opponent welcomed this LBGT agenda into East Texas, when as Mayor he wrote a welcome letter for an LGBT group’s celebrations in Longview.
House District 7 deserves a State Representative who has not already compromised with the radical LGBT agenda…
A State Representative who will stand firm and will not bow to pressure to bend…
A State Representative who knows that the LGBT agenda is a very serious threat to the Liberty we enjoy.
As your State Representative, I will not bend to the LGBT agenda and will work relentlessly to protect our liberty and way of life.
Our Endorsements continue to grow:
Texas Right to Life
Texas Values Action
Texas Home School Coalition
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
Concerned Women for America
Young Conservatives of Texas
V.O.C.A.L. – a Longview-based conservative organization
JoAnn Fleming, Grassroots America – We The People
Julie White McCarty – NE Tarrant Tea Party
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller
Texas State Senator Bob Hall
Texas State Representative Jonathan Stickland
Texas State Representative Matt Schaefer
Texas State Representative Matt Krause
Texas State Representative Molly White
And the list continues to grow!
Please take a moment and help us again with a small contribution as we continue this fight for Less Government, More Liberty.
David Watts

You know, folks, I sometimes don’t even know how to respond to this ignorant crazy bullshit. I also don’t know why the hell anyone would boast about a Molly White endorsement. But that’s where we are this election cycle.
So I leave you with this: the Texas primary is March 1. Early voting begins Feb. 16. The last day to register to vote is Feb. 1. Visit Votetexas.gov for more information.