Your plans this weekend could include a road trip to Thackerville, Okla. The peeps at WinStar Casino are giving us two pairs of tickets to giveaway to Melissa Etheridge’s show on Saturday. In case you missed her when she rolled through Dallas last year, you get one more chance, only it’s about an hour’s drive north. Not too bad for a queer icon, right?

I’ll pick two winners at random today at 4:30 p.m., but you gotta email me your answer to this question: Name two actresses have been in Etheridge’s videos and for which songs. Just put “Road Trip” in the subject line and your name and number in the email with the answer.

Good luck!

UPDATE: Two winners have been randomly selected to see Etheridge this weekend. Congrats to Debra W. who named Maggie Wagner in “Fearless Love” and Juliette Lewis in “Come to My Window.” Also, congratulations to Michael E. who listed Lewis as well as Gwyneth Paltrow in “I Wanna Come Over” and Jennifer Aniston in “I Want To Be In Love.” He also made the interesting point that each lady was romantically linked to Brad Pitt. I’d give ya bonus points if I could for that tidbit!

Thanks again to all who entered.